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Mobile accessibility

Mobile accessibility.docx

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Mobile Accessibility Final 06_29_2023_LT.docx

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Mobile Accesibility IT(1).docx

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Προσβασιμάτοτητα Κινητών Εφαρμογών.docx

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Mobile Accessibility Final_hu.doc

File size: 386 kb


Apple mobile platform, Android mobile platform, Assistive Android 10, and Android Go as well as Apps included on Mac can help students to work, communicate and learn. The proper use of mobile vision, hearing, mobility, or cognitive accessibility features and knowledge about the variety and possibilities of mobile apps can help for study, collaboration, and communication purposes for students with special needs.

Mobile apps we use during the training help to chat, call and adjust for better accessibility in communication, for example, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Viber.  Other apps will help meet, chat, use a calendar, and adjust for better accessibility in collaboration, for example, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Micro. We will learn how to use mobile apps such as My Possible Self, ToDon’t, and White Noise Lite for mental health management Microsoft Outlook, and for better study, for example, MindMeister and Quizlet.  Working with documents and adjusting for better accessibility to document management apps are also important, apps of this type will use during the training as well, for example, Microsoft Office Lens, Microsoft 365. For time management we will learn about Trello, Forest, 30/30, and Remember the Milk. For mental health management, we will learn, how to use mobile apps such as My Possible Self, ToDon’t, and White Noise Lite.

In the last part of training learners will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their personal data on mobile devices and minimize the risk of security breaches and will be able to understand the importance of data security on mobile devices.


The Learning Objectives covered by the Module

In completing this Module, the learner will be able to:

●       Learn how to access different mobile platforms and apps.

●       Learn how to study, collaborate and communicate using mobile platforms and apps.

●       Learn how to protect personal data on mobile devices and minimize the risk.


Units within the Module :

Module 1 is divided in 3 main units:

●      1.1 Mobile platform accessibility

●      1.2 Study, Collaboration, and Communication

●      1.3 Information Security


Mobile accessibility